Omaha Moms Blog :: Introducing Karly


I grew up in Omaha, with a few years spent in Denver, Colorado. I left Omaha to attend college and returned 3 years ago. I love that there is always something to do whether it’s winter or summer. Omaha has so many fun activities for families and kiddos and great groups to be connected with other moms.


I am mom to 2 adorable little boys, Elijah, 8 and Liam, 2 ½. I love the morning snuggles, watching them accomplish something new, exploring new places through their eyes, but I also have days where I am the hot mess express. It can be hard to juggle sports schedules, work, school, appointments, and there are some weeks my hair is so caked with dry shampoo that it could probably hold any style I put it in without any bobby pins or hair ties.


I’m excited to be a part of the Omaha Moms Blog because I feel like it’s a great way for new moms and old moms to connect in this city. There are MOPS groups and Facebook groups but I believe this blog will be able to better connect moms all over the city. I hope to be there to encourage moms and show that we all have those crazy days where we feel like we are two steps away from losing our grip – but that there are also good days – the days where you cannot get enough of your kiddos, their adorable vocabulary, their witty comments and comical actions – the days where you cannot imagine them being any older than they are now, and wishing they could stay this way forever. Those days, are the ones to hold fast too, and to enjoy each and every minute.


Karly lives with her husband Zach and her two boys- Elijah & Liam. She was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska but left to attend college at Arizona State University where she graduated from with her BA in Communications and PR. She spent the years following graduation living in Nashville and Chicago before finally settling back down in Omaha. If you are looking for Karly, you will be able to find her at a soccer field or a sports diamond most days of the week watching her oldest play. Aside from being a sports mom, Karly loves to watch her team LSU play or Netflix binge on How I Met Your Mother while indulging in homemade sweet tea.