Dear Mama, Your Resolutions Don’t Dictate Your Value

Letter to Mama- Resolutions

Hey mama,

I see you over there with your new 2019 planner and a list of resolutions a mile long. I’m right there with you. I’ve been brainstorming ideas since November and I can’t wait to check them all off of my list. But first, I want to remind you of something. Something important. In case no one has ever told you, your value, importance, and who you are on the inside, doesn’t change if you don’t keep those New Year’s resolutions. You will still be you. You will still be a valuable and wonderful mom even if you don’t do everything you set out to do this year.  You might keep them for a few days, weeks, or even months, but if you falter, mama, that is okay! I still believe in you and I still know you have worth!

2018 was a long year.

I will always remember 2018 as my year of fire. I was in crisis mode—putting out fire after fire in my life and I couldn’t wait to leave those fires behind me. There were fires with my children, my marriage, family deaths, and trying to help my kids come to grips with that.  It was a year of fire. In the process of dealing with these fires, my carefully laid 2018 New Year’s resolutions burned by the wayside.

I was singed and couldn’t finish those goals.

I didn’t lose the baby weight. I didn’t learn how to use the DSLR camera my husband gave me. I didn’t put down my phone enough to play with my kids or read to them. I definitely didn’t read more than five books and I still can’t plank for more than 30 seconds! But those things don’t matter in the end. It was just a checklist of things that I wanted to do to improve myself—they don’t define me.

Any unmet New Year’s resolutions don’t define us.

Our worth and who we are as a people are not determined by our flaws. I have flaws! We all do. But we are not our flaws. We are full of great worth. We are important. We are the best mom for our children. We know what they need more than anyone else does.  We have value mama!

You are not a list of failures, mama! You are perfectly you.

I hope that I’m not the first person to tell you this. I hope that you know that your struggles and flaws don’t define you. You have value no matter what. If I am the first person to tell you this, please believe me. We are all trying our best to raise children in a tough world and we all have immense value.  So, if the goals outlined in your shiny new planner don’t pan out this year, don’t beat yourself up about it. You were unsuccessful, but that does not make you a failure.

Love Always,