Omaha Moms Blog :: Introducing Halie



Omaha, Nebraska has been my home for the past three years. I moved here from Kansas City, Kansas after having lived there for two years. Of course, through all of that, I am still a Georgia girl. I spent most of my life in Georgia, through childhood, adolescence, and the beginnings of adulthood. The move to the Midwest was one of the hardest things that I have ever done, as any family-oriented young adult would tell you when they gain the courage to test their wings. When the thought of moving back to the south crossed my mind, I met my then long-distance boyfriend (now father to our beautiful daughter)! After some time, I decided to move to Omaha instead of going back home. I followed my heart, and it didn’t steer me wrong. I had no idea at the time that that decision was leading me towards my little girl.


For almost as long as my conscious memories go back, the only thing I truly knew that I wanted to be was a mom. Dreaming it and living it are two separate things. Being a parent is well beyond everything I ever dreamed or expected. My daughter is not a lonely bookworm’s daydream. She’s a love-magnet that drew me to her through all of my days. There truly are not any satisfactory words in our language to describe this kind of love. Of course it has come with some challenges, but compared to the joy and pride I feel in being her mom, those challenges are as significant to me as a grain of sand in a desert.


Writing, like drawing and painting, is a creative outlet for me. Issues often come up in conversation where I feel like I can understand the viewpoints of others without personal bias preventing me from doing so. Thank you, Middle School Peer Mediation training. Although I can do this, I am also more opinionated than I care to admit. In a social-media world, this can be a problem. One that I wish to further avoid with a different and new outlet. It is time for me to step outside of my comfort zone. I am dedicating myself to write for OMB because it is time again for me to follow a new path, knowing nothing of the trail ahead. I truly think that someone, somewhere will connect to what I have to say.

Halie is a southern girl at heart. She was raised in Georgia and moved to Omaha in 2014 to be closer to her long-distance boyfriend. They both have a love of the art; she draws and paints while he is a singer in a local vocal group. They welcomed a baby girl in 2016! Her long-term goal is to become a foster parent. Until then, her ambition is to gain the knowledge and experience needed to be able to have a positive impact on those that may need it.


  1. Hi Halie. Looking forward to hearing more about you and your family. I, too, only every wanted to be a mom. Life has it’s twists and turns to keep things exciting, that’s for sure.

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